Tuesday, October 6, 2009

WFRC - Transportation Planning Update

Monday night many Trolley District residents attended the first of three public open houses hosted by the Wasatch Front Regional Council.  This walk around style meeting gave residents an opportunity to view long-range transportation plans, and visit with representatives from UDOT and UTA.  Overall the event was very informative, and an opportunity for residents to give feedback to these agencies who are working to shape the roadways, transit, bikeways, and other forms of transportation across the entire region.  Here are a couple of key points:

  • If you missed the meeting you can view the current 2007-2030 RTP (Regional Transportation Plan) online.
  • UDOT, in partnership with several public agencies, has recently developed a new program called TravelWise aimed at diversifying their transportation focus - to include more than just vehicles and wider roads.
  • Harrison Boulevard is currently slated for expansion to a 7-lane regional arterial.  Public input from these meetings might help to shape the future of this corridor.
  • UTA was presenting information on the current WSU-Downtown Transit Corridor Study, noting that there is a great deal of resistance from UDOT for including any sort of dedicated lane transit on Harrison Boulevard - despite the fact that a multi-modal approach might be a better long-term transportation solution for this corridor.

Besides giving input on the long range roadway plans it is important for residents to give feedback on how we would like to see our transportation system focused over the next several decades.  Do we want to see more and wider roadways?  Or do we want a more diversified transportation system, including transit, and walkable and bikeable communities?  Planning for transportation means first planning for the future of our communities and neighborhood, then finding the best solutions to get us to where we want to go.  Often these agencies only hear complaints, as opposed to encouragement for sustainable and holistic decisions.

Please take a moment to submit your comments to Mary Guy-Sell (801-965-4872), 4501 S 2700 W, Box 143600, Salt Lake City UT, 84114-3600 / e-mail mguy-sell@utah.gov / fax 801-965-4551

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